Friday, January 21, 2011

When Did It Become OK to Say ....

Caution - The following blog post has a few words that may be sensitive to the ears.  

Recently I have noticed that certain words are being used more often in regular conversation.  These words use to be reserved for locker rooms, bathrooms, smoke filled bars and the like and were used only by men and never by ladies (well most ladies).  But now they have made there way into more common places like office hallways, school cafeterias, and while simply walking around Walmart.  I am talking about the words "shit" and "fuck."  These words have become so common place that they are replacing other more acceptable words.  

The other day I went to get the oil changed in my car and the guy behind the desk must have used the f-word thirty times in normal conversation with people on the phone and with the receptionist sitting next to him.  It was such as normal part of his speech I don't think he even knew he was using it so often. I actually felt embarrassed for the receptionist, but I guess if she doesn't say anything she must find it acceptable.  Now don't get me wrong, I have been known to use bad words also, but it just seems that they are becoming acceptable parts of the American language. Now I am not a prude, but enough is enough.  Must we live in a society that they have to have delay's on TV because celebrities can't even accept an award without swearing. Of course I guess if Joe Bidden can swear to the President of the United States then it must be acceptable.

I am sure this is a loosing battle.  There already acceptable words in PG13 rated movies and on some late night television programs.  It just a matter of time before they become acceptable, because as history illustrates there have been other words that were once taboo and were not acceptable. Words like Darn, Gadzooks, Humbug and Scallywag at one time used to be curse words.  I am sure that sometime in the future these words will be acceptable words replaced by new swear words (Grat (graat) interjection - Used to express extreme displeasure. ) or swear emoticons .   Maybe I should just shut the f@%# up and cut out all of this s@#%... whoops my bad.

PS: For those of you who really have a larger appetite for swear words check out this website.  But be forewarned there are a lot of bad words here.  Click Here

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