News for your Reading Pleasure

Last Updated 5 March 2011 11:40 EDST

Five things you never knew about Pac-Man - Chris Morris CNBC
I always thought there was a other reason for this game. 

Space Tourism May Mean One Giant Leap for Researchers - Kenneth Chang NYT

This type of innovative thinking could accelerate vital research in space.  Cost is high, but so could be the benefits.

 iPad 2 announced, original iPad price drops. Tablet game over. - by James Kendrick ZDNet
A no brainier prediction Apple has got a pretty good lock on the Tablet market. See my post Keeping Up with the Tablets

This type of technology will be interesting to watch and could greatly help disabled computer users.

Next Generation CIO: Four Personas - by Kristen Burnham PC World
I have been saying this for years.  CIO's need to embrace consumer technologies, enact policies and procedures to be more agile and plan for change in legacy systems.