Friday, January 28, 2011

Stop The World and Take Time To Reflect

Stop the World – I Want to Get Off is a musical with a book, music, and lyrics by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley. Set against the backdrop of a circus, it focuses on Littlechap, whose first major step towards improving his lot is to marry Evie, his boss' daughter. Saddled with the responsibilities of a family, he allows his growing dissatisfaction with his existence to lead him into the arms of various women—Russian Anya, German Ilse, and American Ginnie—as he searches for something better than he has, only to realize in the twilight of his life what he always had—the love of his wife— was more than enough to sustain him. (Wikipedia)

"Stop the World!"  Ever just want to say that?  Wish you had the power to stop, everything around you, take a breath, gather your thoughts and then start the world again?  Back in High School I was involved in the Drama group, (yes, that's right go ahead and laugh) not as an actor but as a Stage Manager and Technical Director.  We did this play (see poster below) and since then I have always imagined having this ability; just yell out "Stop the World!" and everything would freeze. 

Now keep in mind this ability is not so you could stop the world and exhibit dishonest behavior, it would simply allow for more time to reflect.  Looking back now I could see how this power could be used. It would have given me more time to think before I spoke, more time to think about the answer to a test, more time to see if the glass was half full or half empty.  I guess it would have just given me more time. A few more minutes between actions to reflect. How would the world be different if say our politicians had this power; to take a moment and think before acting.  How would you use this power?

Unlike Littlechap, I am not dissatisfied with anything in my life. However, I sure we can all agree, there have been a few times  where it would have been nice to take a breath and shout "STOP THE WORLD!"  I suspect that these "stop the world" moments come during those crossways in our lives when we need to make a significant decision and, when reflecting back, would have liked more time to think about it.  One of mine came during college when I changed my major from Theatre Arts to Landscape Architecture and then a third time to Environmental Management.  As you might imagine the theatre high school experience really impacted me.  I really enjoyed working behind the stage and would have (should have) stayed, but other people influenced my thinking and I made a decision to switch (should have talked to my mother, but that will be a future story).  I don't regret the decision because it has led me down another path that has brought me to where I am today, but it would have been good to have had a "stop the world" moment here, taken out the emotional parts of the decision and thought about it a little longer.  I am sure we can all come up with a few "stop the world" moments, however there are times when even this power can't help.  When I was diagnosed with cancer, stopping the world would not have helped.  There was no decision to be made, the cancer had to be treated; it was inevitable. It's these time one just needs to keep on going and never look back.

Everyone is faced with decision making everyday and unless you are special and have this power, we make decisions based on the information we have, our emotions and input from other people around us.  We can't stop the world, but we can slow down, take time and make the best decisions we can.  Next time your faced with a decision, whether its life changing or just a little one, whisper to yourself "Stop the World" and take some extra time to reflect.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Get Your Geek Funny Bone On

As a technologist (more professional sounding than Geek) I spend some time wandering around the Internet to look at new technologies, read other blogs and watching demonstrations of technologies via video.  Occasionally I run across a spoof of a technology that seems so true it makes me laugh.  I thought I would take a moment to share a few of my favorites.

Apologies in advance if you don't get the jokes or never heard of the technology.  I tried to choose more generic technologies that would appeal to my audience.  As I run across others I will start a special place on this blog to hold them.  Until then enjoy these......

The Real-Time Operating System Nucleus - TRON
Hopefully you were able to see TRON Legacy over Christmas.  The original TRON is a cult classic that any true techie would remember.  This is a funny spoof on the original TRON in the Christmas special genre.

The Microsoft Surface
A few years back, Microsoft developed a piece of technology call the Microsoft Surface.  Basically this was a coffee table looking device that permitted the user to use gestures (swiping, pointing, etc.) to interact with items displayed on the table.  Microsoft had hoped these tables would be installed in hotels, restaurants, and possibly homes.  I've never seen one outside of a demo room and perhaps this video explains why.

This past holiday season, eBooks were all the rage.  Since the introduction of the Amazon Kindle, other companies like Sony, Barnes & Noble and Borders as well as Apple with the iPad have been racing to grab part of the market share.  However, before all of these there was a little known technology called B.O.O.K.S which is explained in this video.

The Future as seen by Microsoft
Microsoft has always had this future view on the way we humans should interact with technology and one another.  In my posting "Did you have your technology Breakfast today" I used this video as a demonstration of a possible future.  This video is another alternative with a funny twist.

The Latest Computing Innovation
Apple is for ever developing new computers and stretching the limits of innovation.  Compared to the original Apple II and the LISA, today's innovations are amazing.  This video illustrates how far innovation is pushing the envelope.

Friday, January 21, 2011

When Did It Become OK to Say ....

Caution - The following blog post has a few words that may be sensitive to the ears.  

Recently I have noticed that certain words are being used more often in regular conversation.  These words use to be reserved for locker rooms, bathrooms, smoke filled bars and the like and were used only by men and never by ladies (well most ladies).  But now they have made there way into more common places like office hallways, school cafeterias, and while simply walking around Walmart.  I am talking about the words "shit" and "fuck."  These words have become so common place that they are replacing other more acceptable words.  

The other day I went to get the oil changed in my car and the guy behind the desk must have used the f-word thirty times in normal conversation with people on the phone and with the receptionist sitting next to him.  It was such as normal part of his speech I don't think he even knew he was using it so often. I actually felt embarrassed for the receptionist, but I guess if she doesn't say anything she must find it acceptable.  Now don't get me wrong, I have been known to use bad words also, but it just seems that they are becoming acceptable parts of the American language. Now I am not a prude, but enough is enough.  Must we live in a society that they have to have delay's on TV because celebrities can't even accept an award without swearing. Of course I guess if Joe Bidden can swear to the President of the United States then it must be acceptable.

I am sure this is a loosing battle.  There already acceptable words in PG13 rated movies and on some late night television programs.  It just a matter of time before they become acceptable, because as history illustrates there have been other words that were once taboo and were not acceptable. Words like Darn, Gadzooks, Humbug and Scallywag at one time used to be curse words.  I am sure that sometime in the future these words will be acceptable words replaced by new swear words (Grat (graat) interjection - Used to express extreme displeasure. ) or swear emoticons .   Maybe I should just shut the f@%# up and cut out all of this s@#%... whoops my bad.

PS: For those of you who really have a larger appetite for swear words check out this website.  But be forewarned there are a lot of bad words here.  Click Here

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Did You Have Your Technology Breakfast Today?

Electrolux Infinity I Kitchen

In the not to distant future a friendly computer voice gently wakes me.
Good morning Jim.  It's going to be a cold day today.  How would you like to start your morning? Twitter, facebook, Email, check your blog posts? The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today have been downloaded to your tablet.  Your iPhone is fully charged and synced and you have 5 video messages. No coffee for you today, your blood pressure and heart rate are to high.  Have a nice day.
Except for the automated computer voice, this scenario is played out across the world today.  There was a time when one got up and the day started slowly with a cup of coffee, a stretch and a quick walk outside to get the newspaper.  Those days are quickly fading as we automate our lives and thirst for more information in a timely manner.  Today's more modern family still may wake to the smell of coffee brewing form the automatic high tech coffee maker, but the attraction to connect has become too great.  Connecting with our friends on facebook first thing in the morning takes precedents (sometimes before we say good morning to our kids).

It's not just happening in your house its happening almost everywhere you turn and if companies like Verizon, AT&T, facebook, Twitter, etc., etc. have there way you will be connected all day, everywhere.  It has gotten so bad that it is like a drug (not that I have experience with drugs) once hooked the addition continues.  When there is an outage or facebook doesn't connect correctly our lives go into free fall.  Most people do not dare disconnect for even a vacation, sneaking a peek at their Blackberry in the bathroom, worried that a rumor of their death may appear on Twitter. I am afraid friends, it is too late, we are addicted and this is only the beginning.  

The future is closer than you may think.  At this years Consumers Electronic Show a wide variety of Internet ready devices we shown with facebook and Twitter embedded directly into the device. It's only a matter of time before your refrigerator and microwave are facebook aware and will announce to you and your friends its status.  Microsoft provides an interesting glimpse into the future in this video.  Today the interfaces are not this smooth, but this level of connectivity is just around the corner.

So my advice is tomorrow, when you wake up, enjoy that cup of coffee or glass of orange juice because before you know it your coffee maker will be friends with your refrigerator and they may update their status to conspire against you during your technology breakfast.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Looking Through the Mirror at the Skeleton Inside

Last week I had the opportunity to see something one rarely sees in a lifetime, my skeleton.  Actually it was an x-ray of my spine and head during a Physical Therapy / Chiropractic consultation.  As he reviewed the x-rays on a computer monitor (no more film on a light box on the wall)  I was fascinated to see the detail.  But when we got to my head I felt like I was looking into a mirror and could see myself as one of those skeletons in the corner of a classroom, watching over the class as time goes by.

So as I starred at the picture I began to think; is this what I will look like in say 60 years (I would be 109 years old)?  What would my life accomplishments have been?  Was I able to accomplish everything I wanted?  Did I leave a lasting legacy and make a difference?  Strange how an x-ray gets you thinking. 

As for my life accomplishments, well I can start with my two children.  As they grow up and become adults I will be able to see for myself; our (my wife and I) greatest accomplishment.  I hope to accomplish everything I wanted.  People sometimes list these out as a "bucket list."  This might show up as another story but for now I am doing pretty well.  I have travelled to parts of Europe, been to Arizona, Florida and driven down Route 1 in California. I have met some interesting people, including John Chambers of Cisco and Bill Gates of Microsoft. I feel like I know a lot of other celebrity types, but I guess Twitter doesn't count. There are a few more items on my list, but you'll need to wait so we can experience them together (lucky you).  As for a lasting legacy I will again point to my children, but I also hope someday to be able to do something like a scholarship fund or make a major difference in someone else's life (check the bucket list).

So there you have it.  A quick reflection in a different type of mirror.  Examining ones self every so often is a good thing.  I just have a strange way of doing it.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Is Our Future Built Into Our DNA?

As my children grow into adults and begin to figure out what they might want to do with their lives, I find myself reflecting back on my own life and was curious to explore if my future career and life was determined based on my parents influence or something built into my DNA.  However, since I am not a scientist nor a geneticist I can not say for certain whether my future is floating around in the sea of my DNA since birth or if it is based on a series of influences.

Let me provide an example or two. I am interested in theatre arts and for a time in high school and for a year in college I majored in theatre management.  How did I become to enjoy this vocation?  Was it the influence from my mother always signing songs as she cooked and cleaned and frequent childhood visits to New York City to see a show?  Was this the seed that was planted long before I could make an independent decision.  I am also interested in photography and growing up my parents had a friend that was a photographer for Life magazine.  I remember going to his apartment and starring for hours at the photographs and fussing over his rather expensive collection of cameras and associated accessories.  Was this the influencer that made me interested in photography?

Now some 30 years later, I find it interesting to see if / how I have influenced my children.  My son is a photography major and a environment biology minor at college.  Both my wife and I enjoy photography and I graduated with a degree in environmental management.   My daughter is a talented singer who sings in the select choir at school and enjoys music and hangs out with the theatre group in high school. So are these traits passed from generation to generation in our DNA or are they influences we give our children as they mature? I believe what the answer is that our children's future lies in part from parental influence,  is part of our DNA (customs and talents based down from generation to generation) and part influence from outside forces. 

Let me know what you think. Take a look back into your childhood and see what the ingredients of your future was made of, I think you will be amazed.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

RIP Kodachrome

Kodachrome T-Shirt sold at Dwayne's Photo

Born in 1935 on December 30, 2010 we said goodbye to Kodachrome, the Kodak film used by so many people for its vibrant color.  I remember selling and using this film back in 1984 when I worked as a salesman and store manager for a chain of camera stores in Northern New Jersey.  I got this job right out of college, because in 1983 when I graduated with a degree in Environmental Management no one cared about the environment and jobs were hard to come by, so I found a job in a camera store because I knew something about photography and it paid well (seemed like a lot back then $410 / week plus commission).  We sold Kodachrome and processed the film, mostly in 35mm slide format, but I digress.

The film of choice for most professionals and some amateur (most thought they were professionals) photographers, Kodak finally couldn't sell enough to make a profit and let store inventories dwindle in the Fall 2009.  Most of the film was purchased by professionals, but there was only enough processing chemicals to last until December 2010.  A small company in Parsons Kansas (Dwayne's Photo) was the sole location in the entire world (that's correct the ENTIRE WORLD) that could process the film.  Film came in from such far away places as China and Australia those last few days and at the end of the day on December 30th Kodachrome was no more, may it rest in peace. But fear not fellow photographers, Dwayne's business is still booming because they are still processing Disc, 126 and 110 format films (if you don't know what these formats are you can not call yourself a photographer) as well as the regular 35mm and movie film, remember 8mm.

Photography like everything else is a changing art with new technology to accommodate that change.  The art of developing film is slowing dying. Develop, Stop and Fix and playing with exposure times to get the perfect picture in a dark room where you can barely see anything around you will someday come to an end. Today's photographer's deal in the digital world and with computer programs like Photoshop. Exposure time is not as important since correcting this is only a few clicks away. A portrait of a person can be adjusted and red eye removed with a few more clicks. No need to fool around with chemicals and clean up the dark room afterwards. No need to worry about being low on film or shooting too many pictures, just pop in a new memory card. Have a nice picture of yourself but want to change the background, just let Photoshop do that in a few more clicks. Well you get the point, the nostalgia known as making (processing) a photograph is slowly fading and it is only a matter of time before this all becomes a museum exhibit.

So what's the future for photographers, both amateur as well as professionals? Hopefully it will not be diminished to a cell phone camera with interchangeable lenses.  My prediction is that the price of high quality digital cameras will continue to fall with more automatic bells and whistles to fix every photographic mistake automatically. You can already buy a camera that will not take a picture until the subject smiles; so what's next?  3D cameras are already making a reappearance (it was tried previously but failed), photoshop on a chip built into the camera and I suspect holographic photography is in the future.  What ever the future brings, one thing that can not be replaced by technology is the eye of the photographer.  A good photographer has an eye for taking good pictures.  So for all you amateur photographers out there that still remember the old days of Develop, Stop and Fix, develop a good eye, purchase the best glass (lens) you can and let the technology do the rest.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year!  It's the beginning of a new year, 2011 to be precise, and it's time for the inevitable New Year's Resolutions.  Now most people, including me, rarely keep these resolutions. Most will be forgotten next week as the celebrations finally fade into memory. There simply a mechanism to reflect on the past and then make you feel comfortable that you have a goal for the new year.  It seems to me that one should be continually striving, reaching and setting goals (resolutions) throughout the year.  So this year I am going to make an attempt (using this blog to keep track) of a few goals / resolutions of my own.  I will follow-up as I achieve, change or fall short.

New year goals for 2011

  1. Create and maintain a blog so I can write my thought, opinions and ideas down.  - DONE
  2. Save a little more in savings, IRA's and college funds.  Notice I did not specify an amount.
  3. Lose weight.  Now I know everyone says this each year and that advertisements are even geared toward this goal right about now.  So I am going out on a limb here by saying I would like to lose 10 pounds by July 1, 2011.
  4. Be a better husband and father.  I think I am a pretty good one now, but there is always room for improvement.  I probably could listen to my wife more often, make more eye contact and stop some annoying habits.  For my kids, give more encouragement and be as supportive a parent as I can be.
  5. Make an effort to communicate more with friends.  No not through facebook, twitter or this blog, but through more old fashion ways like telephone calls or emails.
  6. Volunteer.  It seems to me if everyone could volunteer a little time someplace each month that would go a long way for all those organizations that depend on volunteers. 
  7. Eat better.  I suppose that would help goal #3, but I would like to eat healthier, slower and smaller portions. 
  8. Increase my vocabulary.  I seem to use the same words over and over again.  I would like to find new words to use in everyday conversation and in my writing.
  9. Find a hobby.  I think it is important for people to have some sort of outlet, like knitting or playing an instrument.  Maybe since I enjoy wine I should try my hand at wine making.
  10. Finally, find a new job.  As I recover from cancer I will eventually have to find a job.  Hopefully in 2011 this goal will become reality.

Life Can Be Unexpected

Life can bring you unexpected events.  It can bring joy into the world, in the form of a new baby or found money, and it can bring sadness, in the form of death or illness.  In 2009 I received a double dose of the unexpected.

Unexpected Life Occurrence #1

July 2009 - A random checkup at the doctors found some abnormalities in a test.  After further testing I was told I had cancer, the BIG C, the three words no one wants to hear and I suspect no doctors like to say "YOU HAVE CANCER"  But wait I just came in for a normal checkup.  I had no symptoms, I felt pretty good for a 48 year old guy.  Maybe I was a little out of shape, but cancer no way and a rare form of bladder cancer at that.  The doctor must have been wrong.  So I go for a second opinion at a large cancer hospital in New York City, and yes ladies and gentlemen it is true a rare form of bladder cancer.  Yippee!

October 2009 - Cancer treatments begin.  Doctors tell me the standard treatment is three months of chemotherapy followed by surgery to remove the bladder and build a new one (more about that in a minute).  So I am figuring chemo is going to be horrible, I am going to loose my hair, I am going to be sick. This just sucks.  But it retrospect it wasn't that bad.  I did loose my hair and although I felt sick I never got sick.  My hair came back, better than it was before, and the chemo did its magic.

Me with Chemo Pump

February 2010 - Bladder surgery.  The second part was the surgery to remove my 48 year old bladder and replace it with a 48 year old piece of small intestine that was fashioned into a new "neo-bladder" by husband and wife surgeons at this top notch large cancer center in New York City.  Since I was asleep for the entire time only my wife can tell you what went on in detail.  Needless to say I awoke with the new bladder and with the cancer removed from my body.  It took 5 days in the hospital to recover and then several months at home. I think I was a pretty good patient, but I have to thank my wife because if it were not for her nursing and caring for the post-operative gear that was attached I would have probably given up on the whole thing.

Me just before surgery

Unexpected Life Occurrence #2

I use to believe that when you did a good job, received high praise for your work and was loyal to your employer you were rewarded with a competitive salary and a position within a company.  I found out that isn't exactly correct and after 16 years at a large professional services firm I found myself without a job.  It didn't help that I was also going through a battle with cancer and that the economy was heading deeper into a very large toilet, but there it was no more work. No more getting up and catching the train and schlepping to my office.  No more daily discussions on topics that were sometimes interesting and sometime not.  But what impacted me most was not seeing the friends I had made over the past 16 years. I can't say I was (nor am I still) happy about it.  I wrongly thought that people cared and companies valued good employees.  Stupid me.  A valuable lesson learned. 

So life goes on.  I am still cancer free after almost a year after surgery.  The doctors continue to monitor me since I have a rare cancer.  I have to say the cancer experience, chemo and surgery, was not so bad, but having cancer goes deeper that the treatment itself and it is something that only a cancer patient and possibility a close caregiver can understand. I am thankful that for whatever reason I decided to go to the doctor and he decided to perform some test, that the cancer was found early and recovery has only left me with a few issues (note, the doctors told me I would not be back to "normal" rather I would be back to "different").   I still find myself rather bitter about the employment issue and maybe someday I will be able to get past it. Once in a while I feel a new pain or that something is different and worry that the cancer is back.  I guess that is something that will always be in the back of my head. But for now life goes on and I hope to avoid anymore unexpected life occurrences.


Hello and welcome to my blog Off the Top Of My Head, a collection of random topics that I thought people might find interesting or at the very least I would use blogging as an outlet to get these thoughts out of my head.

A friend of mine once told me to write a book.  She repeatably nagged me and always said I had a lot of random thoughts and content that would make an exciting read.  Not being an author or person with a large vocabulary, I shrugged it off as one of those bright ideas that would never come to fruition. Anyway I never really had the time or the patients to sit down and write.  Work, family life and other things just seemed to occupy my time, so it was more of a good idea and something to think about, possibly when I retire in 20 years.  However, that all changed back in 2009 and I'll write more about that in a separate post.  Needless to say, I know find myself with some time a lots of thoughts. 

So hear you will find a collection of these thoughts as they come to me and I write about them.  Comments are always welcome, although I may choose to ignore them or comment back.  They'll range in topic from personal opinions and life occurrences to items that interest me like technology, photography and wine.  I will try my best to use good grammar and fix spelling mistakes and not upset too many people with my opinions.

So here it goes.  Enjoy Off the Top Of My Head ........